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How to move a photo to the desired taxon?

online plant identification guide
Photos of plants and lichens

Quite often, plants and lichens on photos uploaded to Plantarium are unidentified, either identified incorrectly or incompletely (for example, to a genus or family). If you identified or know what is shown in the photo, then the image needs to be transferred to the corresponding taxon. Why "transfer"? The fact is that the site already has a ready-made list of taxa (species, genera, families, etc.), which includes almost all wild-growing and a significant part of cultivated plants growing on the territory of the former USSR. Thus, you just need to indicate which taxon the photographed plant belongs to, and the photo will be automatically provided with Latin and Russian names (if they have already been added; and if not, you can do it).

If you were able to identify an unidentified plant only up to a genus or family, you can move the image to the corresponding taxon of the supraspecific level. Likewise, if you see that a species is identified incorrectly, but you cannot say for sure what kind of species it really is, the photo can also be transferred to the genus or family.

The image transfering includes three main stages:

Let's consider them step by step (if you don't want to read, see the pictures).

1. Opening the photo transfer form

  • On the page with the full-size image, click on the button (Move photo to taxon) to the left of the image or click on the "Move the photo" link under the image. As a result, the "Moving the image" form will open at the bottom of this page.
  • On the "Unidentified plants and lichens" page, click on the thumbnail (a small copy of the image) and select View and identify from the pop-up menu. You will be redirected to the photo view page with opened "Moving the image" form.
  • On the page "Set of images" of a taxon, click on the thumbnail and select the item Move image... from the menu that opens. As a result, you will see the form "Moving the image".

2. Specifying the target taxon

In the field in the "Moving the image" form

  • enter the Latin or Russian name of the taxon or part of it (for example, "Poa annua", "Poa an", "Мятлик од");
  • click "Apply" button.

Instead of the name, you can enter ID — the identifier (unique number) of the taxon on "Plantarium"; you can take it from the taxon page address (for example, in ID is 28724).

The button allows you to erase the last word in the input field.

If several taxa are found

If the site database contains more than one taxon with a suitable name, you will see a list of such taxa. Click on the desired name to proceed with the transfer.

If the taxon is not found

If it was not possible to find the desired species by the Latin name (and even by the synonyms you know), this means that it is absent in the site database. In this case, it is necessary to transfer the photo to the genus or other taxon of the supraspecific level (if there is no genus, to the family, etc.). In this case, on the transfer confirmation page (see below) you need to enable the "Taxon is absent in database" checkbox and add the Latin name of the species and the author of this name to the image.

3. Transferring the photo to the taxon

At the last stage, you will be taken to the photo transfer confirmation page. If the transferred photo is grouped with other images, then all of them will be shown here and moved together.

  • Make sure to choose the correct taxon (its Latin name is in the page title). If you made a mistake and started transferring photo to the wrong taxon, just go back to the previous page (left arrow on the browser bar or [Backspace] on the keyboard).
  • Correct the descriptions of the transferred images, if they require it (see recommendations).
  • Click the "Attach" button to complete the transfer of the photo.
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