Taraxacum coreanum Nakai (familia Asteraceae)
Одуванчик корейский
Image of Taraxacum coreanum specimen.
Соцветие-корзинка. Приморский край, Уссурийский гор. округ, окр. с. Монакино, луг на вершине небольшой сопки. 18.05.2013.
Larisa Krainik © 2013; taxon identified by Lena Glazunova
Shooting place: Монакино (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2013-05-21 Larisa Krainik published it as Taraxacum.
  2. 2013-06-08 Lena Glazunova identified it as Taraxacum coreanum.
See also: