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1.genus Limodorum Gallery of species
2.Limodorum abortivum (L.) Sw.125 photo(s)
3.Limodorum abortivum var. rubrum H. Sund. ex Kreutz9 photo(s)
4.Limodorum abortivum var. viride Fateryga & Kreutz17 photo(s)
5.Limodorum acuminatum (Wall. ex Lindl.) Kuntze124 photo(s)
6.Limodorum articulatum Schumach.2 photo(s)
7.Limodorum boreale (Sw.) Sw.100 photo(s)
8.Limodorum callosum Blume6 photo(s)
9.Limodorum ciliatum Schumach.2 photo(s)
10.Limodorum cristatum Afzel. ex Sw.2 photo(s)
11.Limodorum epipogium (L.) Sw.50 photo(s)
12.Limodorum erectum (Thunb.) Kuntze
13.Limodorum flos-aeris (L.) Sw.7 photo(s)
14.Limodorum giganteum (Douglas ex Hook.) Kuntze, nom. illeg.
15.Limodorum giganteum (L. f.) Thunb.4 photo(s)
16.Limodorum hyacinthinum (Sm.) Donn10 photo(s)
17.Limodorum latifolium (L.) Kuntze464 photo(s)
18.Limodorum microphyllum (Ehrh.) Kuntze40 photo(s)
19.Limodorum palustre (L.) Kuntze195 photo(s)
20.Limodorum papillosum (Franch. & Sav.) Kuntze25 photo(s)
21.Limodorum plicatum Roxb.1 photo(s)
22.Limodorum roseum D. Don3 photo(s)
23.Limodorum rubrum (L.) Kuntze120 photo(s)
24.Limodorum striatum Thunb.10 photo(s)
25.Limodorum thunbergii (A. Gray) Kuntze4 photo(s)
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