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1.genus Nephrodium Marthe ex Michx.Gallery of species
2.Nephrodium acrostichoides Michx.3 photo(s)
3.Nephrodium acutum (Schkuhr) C. Presl7 photo(s)
4.Nephrodium aemulum (Aiton) Baker
5.Nephrodium affine Lowe, Josiah Lincoln18 photo(s)
6.Nephrodium amurense (Milde) B. Fedtsch.39 photo(s)
7.Nephrodium barbigerum Hook.
8.Nephrodium baromez (L.) Sweet2 photo(s)
9.Nephrodium biserratum (Sw.) C. Presl7 photo(s)
10.Nephrodium bulbiferum (L.) Michx.2 photo(s)
11.Nephrodium canescens C. Presl10 photo(s)
12.Nephrodium chinense Baker7 photo(s)
13.Nephrodium chrysocoma (Christ) Hand.-Mazz.1 photo(s)
14.Nephrodium cucullatum (Blume) Baker10 photo(s)
15.Nephrodium erythrosorum (D.C. Eaton) Hook.3 photo(s)
16.Nephrodium exaltatum (L.) Desv., nom. illeg.20 photo(s)
17.Nephrodium exaltatum (L.) Kunth, nom. inval.20 photo(s)
18.Nephrodium exaltatum (L.) R. Br.20 photo(s)
19.Nephrodium expansum C. Presl161 photo(s)
20.Nephrodium extensum (Blume) Hook.3 photo(s)
21.Nephrodium extensum (Blume) T. Moore3 photo(s)
22.Nephrodium fauriei H. Christ
23.Nephrodium filix-femina (L.) Michx.256 photo(s)
24.Nephrodium filix-mas (L.) Rich.273 photo(s)
25.Nephrodium filix-mas var. erythrosorum (D.C. Eaton) Christ ex Matsum.3 photo(s)
26.Nephrodium filix-mas f. paleaceum (T. Moore) Fiori3 photo(s)
27.Nephrodium filix-mas var. paleaceum (T. Moore) Hook.3 photo(s)
28.Nephrodium filix-mas var. parallelogrammum (Kunze) Hook.3 photo(s)
29.Nephrodium filix-mas var. patentissimum (Wall. ex Kunze) C.B. Clarke3 photo(s)
30.Nephrodium foenisecii Lowe
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