Viola wittrockiana Gams ex Nauenb. & Buttler (familia Violaceae)
Фиалка Виттрока
Анютины глазки
Image of Viola wittrockiana specimen.
Цветок с фуражирующей медоносной пчелой. Татарстан, г. Бавлы, клумба. 17.09.2011.
Elvir Izmaylov © 2011; taxon identified by Lena Glazunova
Shooting place: Бавлы (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2011-09-22 Elvir Izmaylov published it as Viola.
  2. 2012-05-08 Lena Glazunova identified it as Viola wittrockiana.
See also: