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1.genus Rhaponticum Gallery of species
2.Rhaponticum altaicum Soskov65 photo(s)
3.Rhaponticum atriplicifolium (Fisch. ex Trevir.) DC.62 photo(s)
4.Rhaponticum aulieatense Iljin
5.Rhaponticum calcitrapa (L.) Scop.30 photo(s)
6.Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin65 photo(s)
7.Rhaponticum carthamoides var. chamarense (Peschkova) O.S. Zhirova
8.Rhaponticum carthamoides ssp. orientale (Serg.) Soskov7 photo(s)
9.Rhaponticum chamarense Peschkova
10.Rhaponticum coniferum (L.) Greuter14 photo(s)
11.Rhaponticum eriophorum (L.) Scop.4 photo(s)
12.Rhaponticum hemeralpion Banfi, Galasso & Soldano
13.Rhaponticum integrifolium C. Winkl.7 photo(s)
14.Rhaponticum jacea (L.) Scop.304 photo(s)
15.Rhaponticum karatavicum Regel & Schmalh.2 photo(s)
16.Rhaponticum lyratum C. Winkl. ex Iljin2 photo(s)
17.Rhaponticum namanganicum Iljin
18.Rhaponticum nanum Lipsky1 photo(s)
19.Rhaponticum nitidum Fisch. ex DC.10 photo(s)
20.Rhaponticum orientale (Serg.) Peschkova7 photo(s)
21.Rhaponticum pallasii G. Don ex Loudon1 photo(s)
22.Rhaponticum paniculatum (L.) Scop.
23.Rhaponticum pulchrum Fisch. & C.A. Mey.5 photo(s)
24.Rhaponticum pusillum (Labill.) Boiss.6 photo(s)
25.Rhaponticum repens (L.) Hidalgo121 photo(s)
26.Rhaponticum rhaponticum (L.) Voss
27.Rhaponticum salinum (Spreng.) Less.65 photo(s)
28.Rhaponticum satzyperovii Soskov17 photo(s)
29.Rhaponticum scariosum Lam.1 photo(s)
30.Rhaponticum scariosum ssp. lamarckii (Dittrich) Greuter1 photo(s)
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