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1.genus Montia Gallery of species
2.Montia arvensis Wallr.8 photo(s)
3.Montia australasica (Hook. f.) Pax & K. Hoffm.1 photo(s)
4.Montia clara Ö. Nilsson21 photo(s)
5.Montia cordifolia (S. Watson) Pax & K. Hoffm.1 photo(s)
6.Montia fontana L.21 photo(s)
7.Montia fontana var. chondrosperma Fenzl8 photo(s)
8.Montia fontana ssp. chondrosperma (Fenzl) Walters8 photo(s)
9.Montia fontana ssp. minor (C.C. Gmel.) Celak.8 photo(s)
10.Montia fontana ssp. variabilis Walters21 photo(s)
11.Montia funstonii Rydb.21 photo(s)
12.Montia hallii (A. Gray) Greene21 photo(s)
13.Montia lamprosperma Cham.21 photo(s)
14.Montia mexicana (Rydb.) Pax & K. Hoffm.18 photo(s)
15.Montia mexicana (Rydb.) Standl. & Steyerm.18 photo(s)
16.Montia minor C.C. Gmel., nom. illeg.8 photo(s)
17.Montia perfoliata (Donn ex Willd.) Howell18 photo(s)
18.Montia rivularis C.C. Gmel.21 photo(s)
19.Montia sarmentosa (C.A. Mey.) B.L. Rob.17 photo(s)
20.Montia sibirica (L.) Howell10 photo(s)
21.Montia sibirica var. bulbifera (A. Gray) B.L. Rob.10 photo(s)
22.Montia sibirica var. heterophylla B.L. Rob.10 photo(s)
23.Montia vassilievii (Kuzen.) McNeill
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