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Categories of Russian names of taxa

online plant identification guide
Russian names of taxa

The purpose of categorization of Russian-language names

The categorization of Russian-language names (dividing them into groups) has the following goals.

  • Informing site visitors about the status of names.
  • Optimization of the appearance of the site pages.

Mechanisms for categorizing Russian-language names

The categorization of Russian-language names comes down to assigning each name to one (and only one) of the categories listed below. Additionally, it is possible to mark the name as not recommended for use.

Categories of Russian-language names

The main criteria for dividing names into categories are the area of their use and prevalence.

The following categories of Russian-language names are accepted:

  • scientific;
  • suggested scientific;
  • trivial;
  • locally/rarely used,

and also introduces an additional group of transcriptions of scientific Latin names that are not recommended for use in writing:

  • transcriptions.

The rules for assigning names to a particular category are described below.

This group includes the names used
  • in Russian-language botanical literature ("floras", keys, etc.);
  • on Russian-language scientific Internet resources;
  • on information plates and stands in botanical gardens at academic and higher educational institutions.
The binomial form (genus name + specific epithet) and the semantic correspondence of the Russian epithet to the epithet in the Latin name of the taxon (or in one of the synonymous Latin names) usually indicate that the name belongs to "scientific" in the case of taxa of the species rank.
Examples: "Берёза", "Берёза повислая", "Гусиный лук жёлтый".
Note: Russinan name of the taxon used as "main" on "Plantarium" must be either in the category "scientific" or in the category "suggested scientific" (see below).
Suggested scientific
This category is for names proposed by project participants for scientific use. The reason for adding a new (invented) name to this category is the absence of a Russian-language "scientific" name for the taxon or the inaccuracy of the existing ones.
This group includes folk names that are widely and universally used by the Russian-speaking people.
Examples: "Ерник", "Курильский чай", "Кукушкин цвет".
Locally/rarely used
This group includes folk names used only in limited areas, in certain sectors of economic activity (horticulture, medical industry, trade), as well as dialectal, obsolete, etc. This should also include names borrowed from other languages, but not commonly used.
Examples: "Воронец" (for Paeonia tenuifolia), "Белолистка" (for species of Populus), "Агир", "Татарское зелье" (for Acorus calamus), "Красная щётка" (for species of Rhodiola), "Багульник" (for Rhododendron dauricum) etc.
Records of the pronunciation of scientific Latin names in Russian letters, not used as scientific Russian-language names. They should not be used in writing due to the presence of accepted scientific Russian-language names in the language.
Examples: "Тараксакум" (for Taraxacum), "Филипендула" (for Filipendula) etc.

Not recommended names

Along with the division of names into the categories mentioned above, the names are introduced with a category-independent feature "not recommended [for use]".

This feature should be assigned to names, the application of which in relation to this taxon is erroneous (for example, due to incorrect translation or interpretation of the Latin name, extension of the variety name to the species name, etc.). Please note that names from the "Transcriptions" category do not need to set this feature because they are considered "not recommended" by default.

Names marked as "not recommended [for use]" are indicated by a strikethrough.

Examples: "Щитовник шартрский" for Dryopteris carthusiana, "Камыш" for species of Phragmites and Typha.

How to assign categories to names?

Category names are assigned on the "Categorization of Russian names" page that each taxon has. To access this page for working with the names of a specific taxon, select "Categorization of names" from the "Edit" menu.

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