Энди Б. Сортлэнд
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определитель растений онлайн
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Viola rupestris подвид relicta
Фиалка скальная реликтовая

Энди Сортлэнд о себе

Andy B. Sortland

I am a Norwegian botanist from Tromsø University engaged in botanical fieldwork in Murmansk Oblast every summer. I am interested in international coordination of Red Books, Blacklists and protection of plants. At my university I teach botany, ecology and general biology to students who are going to be teachers. In my opinion teaching children and young people to take care of the nature, is one of the most important tasks in this world. So I will give "Plantarium" my support and contribution when I have an opportunity. It is the best thing I have found in Russia so far!

Энди Сортлэнд на фото

Объекты на карте

Опубликованные материалы

Фото растений и лишайников:125
Таксоны с фото:79


Определения растений и лишайников на фото:37
Особые приметы:2
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