Sergey Glotov
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About Sergey Glotov

Сергей Валентинович Глотов

Region: г. Североуральск, Свердловская область

Sergey Glotov in the photo

С Cypripedium calceolus на Панинском болоте, 3 июня 2012 года.

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Created and published stuff

Photos of plants and lichens:6069
Taxa with photos:894
Russian names of taxa:146
Links to web resources:1365
Floristic lists:1
Image collections:1
Photos of landscapes and habitats:145
Geographic points:124


Categories of Russian names of taxa:107
Identifications of plants and lichens:201
Descriptions of geographic points:123
Descriptions of landscape/habitat photos:1
Botanical descriptions of taxa:2
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