Yuliya Borisova
Personal page

online plant identification guide
Latest photos
Hydrangea arborescens
Гортензия древовидная

About Yuliya Borisova

Юлия Борисова

Region: Московская область

инженер-химик-технолог; городской клуб туризма и отдыха "Пилигрим"

Yuliya Borisova in the photo

В Ботсаду Латвийского университета (Рига), цветение магнолий, май 2015

Objects on map

Created and published stuff

Photos of plants and lichens:4028
Taxa with photos:1092
Parent taxa of hybrids:47
Russian names of taxa:910
Links to web resources:184
Photos of landscapes and habitats:1974
Geographic points:192
Sets of points and regions:6


Categories of Russian names of taxa:987
Identifications of plants and lichens:1423
Descriptions of geographic points:239
Descriptions of landscape/habitat photos:620
Descriptions of specific features of taxa:1
Botanical descriptions of taxa:24
Additional informations for taxa:72
Main images for taxa:531
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