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How and for what to place photos in rubrics?

online plant identification guide
Photos of plants and lichens

Why place photos in rubrics

Photo rubrics are intended to help the site user select (filter) the necessary images in the image collection. The filter is available on the pages describing the properties of taxa ("Images - Filter..." in the menu on the left panel).

This feature is very important for choosing photos for genera and taxa of a higher rank. The sets of images for them can be very large, which makes search by continuous review rather difficult. Filtering by rubrics allows you to immediately exclude from consideration those photos that do not contain the necessary information.

Filtering images by rubrics is important, in particular, for fast and efficient image search for custom collections.

Rules for inclusion in the rubric

  • A photo have be included in the rubric if the described subject is clearly visible in the photo and its details are sufficiently distinguishable.
  • A photo can be classified under several rubrics at once, so mark all the necessary rubrics, if necessary.
  • Indicate the rubrics in as much detail as possible. For example, if flowers and fruits are visible in the photo, place it in the rubric "Fructifications" (it detailing, but not canceling "Generative organs").

Description of rubrics

When placing images, refer to the following characteristics of rubrics.

The photo shows only the general appearance (habit) of the plant, its silhouette. Details of the appearance are indistinguishable or poorly distinguishable.
(General views of trees, shrubs and clumps of grasses are usually included directly in this rubric.)
Generative organs
The photo shows in detail inflorescences, flowers, buds or other generative organs.
The photo clearly shows the infructescence, fruits (possibly in combination with flowers), cones, seeds, spores, strobila, soruses, sporangia, apothecia, perithecia and their analogs.
Vegetative organs
The picture clearly shows shoots, leaves, stems, tubers, bulbs, thalli and other vegetative organs or their parts, as well as organs of vegetative reproduction (bulbs, brood buds, isidia, soredia, etc.).
Underground organs
The picture clearly shows (at least partially) the roots, rhizomes, stolons, bulbs and other organs that are normally underground (in the substrate).
The plant shown in the picture does not have the characteristic features of an adult (in particular, generative organs); on the contrary, it has characteristics characteristic of seedlings, juvenile and young immature plants.
The photographed plant/lichen has visible signs of mechanical damage or abnormal organ morphology (including deformities) associated with diseases, parasite infestations, mutations and other genetic abnormalities.
In the image, you can see the habitat of the plant: the appearance of the area, the plant community, the microlandscape or the characteristic substrate on which it grows.
The photographed plant was intentionally planted by humans. The presence, frequency and nature of care measures and other agrotechnical measures in relation to this plant do not matter.
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