Денис Полевой
Personal page

online plant identification guide
Latest photos
Artemisia pamirica
Полынь памирская

About Денис Полевой

Region: Донецк

Web site/page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/134754438@N03/albums

Other web site/page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/186071684@N08/albums


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• My works can be used free of charge for non-commercial purposes (lectures, presentations, books, websites), with attribution (there is no need to ask permission, just write about the fact of use).

• Mes œuvres peuvent être utilisées gratuitement à des fins non commerciales (conférences, présentations, livres, sites Web) avec attribution (il n'est pas nécessaire de demander la permission, écrivez simplement sur le fait d'usage).

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Денис Полевой in the photo

С эремурусами на Дарвазе. Таджикистан

Objects on map

Created and published stuff

Photos of plants and lichens:1430
Taxa with photos:819
Russian names of taxa:3
Links to web resources:1
Floristic lists:2
Geographic points:6


Categories of Russian names of taxa:7
Identifications of plants and lichens:153
Descriptions of geographic points:1
Descriptions of landscape/habitat photos:3
Main images for taxa:1
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